The basic idea behind acupuncture is that the insertion of very fine needles into points along the meridians can rebalance body disharmonies. A related technique, moxibustion, entails the application of heat via a burning herb held near the needle. The primary herb is moxa or Chinese mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris). It is sometimes rolled as a cigar or available as loose leaves which can easily be formed and burned in cones as needed. The moxa can warm what is cold, circulate what is stagnant and reduce what is excessive.
The basic idea behind acupuncture is that the insertion of very fine needles into points along the meridians can rebalance body disharmonies. A related technique, moxibustion, entails the application of heat via a burning herb held near the needle. The primary herb is moxa or Chinese mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris). It is sometimes rolled as a cigar or available as loose leaves which can easily be formed and burned in cones as needed. The moxa can warm what is cold, circulate what is stagnant and reduce what is excessive.