Acupuncture and herbal medicine are a part of a system of healing that has existed in China for thousands of years. The history of medicine in China is well documented and remarkably unchanged in its general principles. This wonderful body of knowledge was almost extinct in practice and only recently has there been renewed interest in this fascinating yet powerful medicine power.
The theories and techniques are explained in a book called the Neijing ,compiled some three centuries B.C. ago, which still forms the foundations of teaching and practice today. The concept of harmony is central to Chinese medicine.The human body is a miniature of the cosmos and must stay in tune with the seasons and the physical environment. Internally, the organs work in unison.
Based on ancient texts, it is a result of a continuous process of critical thinking,as well as extensive clinical observation and testing. It represents a thorough formulation and reformulation of material by respected clinicians. It is also,however,rooted in philosophy, logic, sensibility and habits of a foreign civilization. TCM considers certain aspects of the human body important that are not considered important in Western medicine. Strange to our ear terminology is used such as "dampness," "heat," and "wind" to denote an imbalance.
Eight principles of diagnosis are: excess/deficiency, yin/yang, interior/exterior, full/empty. To be able to recognize the nature of the disharmony allows you to treat even complex configurations.
Acupuncture and herbal medicine are a part of a system of healing that has existed in China for thousands of years. The history of medicine in China is well documented and remarkably unchanged in its general principles. This wonderful body of knowledge was almost extinct in practice and only recently has there been renewed interest in this fascinating yet powerful medicine power.
The theories and techniques are explained in a book called the Neijing ,compiled some three centuries B.C. ago, which still forms the foundations of teaching and practice today. The concept of harmony is central to Chinese medicine.The human body is a miniature of the cosmos and must stay in tune with the seasons and the physical environment. Internally, the organs work in unison.
Based on ancient texts, it is a result of a continuous process of critical thinking,as well as extensive clinical observation and testing. It represents a thorough formulation and reformulation of material by respected clinicians. It is also,however,rooted in philosophy, logic, sensibility and habits of a foreign civilization. TCM considers certain aspects of the human body important that are not considered important in Western medicine. Strange to our ear terminology is used such as "dampness," "heat," and "wind" to denote an imbalance.
Eight principles of diagnosis are: excess/deficiency, yin/yang, interior/exterior, full/empty. To be able to recognize the nature of the disharmony allows you to treat even complex configurations.